Hey everybody,


It was a long few days but we finally recovered from MAGFest and because everything went so well, we felt it was worth sharing an update with all of you.

I want to especially thank everybody who signed up for the mailing list at MAGFest – your support truly means a lot! It might not seem like much, but as the rest of you know, it goes a long way and keeps the team motivated. So we can’t thank you enough!

Ready for some music?

If you haven’t signed up for our mailing list, then you need to in order to get our free soundtrack suite. Honestly, it’s really the only way you can listen to it in all its glory!

In addition to that, we have a bunch of other cool stuff that you’ll get too, so it’s definitely worth joining the adventure!

MAGFest was just...

Wonderful!  It was great seeing so many people get a chance to test out the game for us. We got a ton of good feedback which was extremely beneficial.


I especially appreciated getting to see people’s reactions to the introduction in “Story Mode.”


We even had a super dedicated player beat the ENTIRE GAME (in chunks over time), and another player get about to the 75-80% mark!

It was fun getting to meet and talk to so many gamers.  As usual, we met a surprising number of other Chrises! At one point, we came pretty close to having a Chrisfecta (three Chrises are playing at once)!
We had a few folks try out the new “Lightweight Mode,” which was very helpful, as there are definitely some spots that need smoothing out there (but nothing too tough to correct!).

So now it’s back to work on the game – we’ve got to get the graphics and mechanics for the last boss finalized, and we’ve got a few other things we want to polish, and then it should be beta time!

Thanks so much for making MAGFest another great experience and being a part of our journey. We hope you enjoy all the music too!

Feel free to share what you like about Adventures of Chris with your friends, family, and fellow Chrises! 😛

Regardless if it’s a mention on Facebook or Twitter, subscribing on YouTube, adding us to your Steam wish list or downloading the soundtrack, it all goes a long way!

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