Adventures of Chris is Coming to SWITCH

It’s official! When Adventures of Chris comes out, you’ll now be able to take the game on your own adventures with Switch.

The thought of a game I made being on a Nintendo platform has always been a dream of mine – and it’s hard to believe that it’s actually happening!

We’ve already received some coverage. Feel free to check it out!

New Key Art

And if you haven’t noticed yet, we also updated our key art.

While I still love the original artwork, the new key art is really eye-catching!.

Here is a comparison of the two.

People Are Really Digging AoC

In other news, we made a post recently on r/indiegaming and received a lot of positive feedback. It was great to see so many strangers show their support for the game and my middle school dream finally being made a reality!


If you want to check out the post, click here!


That’s all that we have for now. We’re hard at work on Steam achievements, localization, QA, and other cool stuff, so there will be a few other updates down the road. Until then, we really appreciate all of your support.


Oh and just a reminder, if you haven’t checked out Discord yet, feel free to do so by clicking here!


Until then, we really appreciate all of your support.

– Chris

Don’t Forget…

Feel free to follow us on Twitter, Facebook so you can be part of the conversation. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to see some game playthroughs.

Also, don’t forget to Wishlist on Steam. It takes a little effort which has a huge impact for us and our growing community 🙂

And remember, you can always share what you like about Adventures of Chris with your friends, family, and fellow Chrises! 😛

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