What a great weekend!  Kyle (lead artist/animator) and I took Adventures of Chris to a game convention called Play NYC, and it was a lot of fun.  We got a lot of good feedback on the game, and people seemed to really enjoy it!  It was my very first time exhibiting at a game convention, and it was definitely exhausting, but on the whole I’m glad we went.  Seeing how people played, where they laughed, what strategies they tried, etc. was tremendously valuable.  We got interviewed by a few different local games journalists – follow @chris_guin on Twitter or join our mailing list if you want to be alerted to any other game news!

As for the game itself, the Siberia level is now complete, including the monstrous boss we’re simply calling Ice Creature – a physically larger boss than we’ve yet had, meaning that the animation required more frames than initially anticipated to not look “choppy.”  I think we have it in good shape now, though.




We’ve also been working on an animated intro/trailer sequence that I’m really looking forward to completing.  We played it in an unfinished state at Play NYC, and got some nice laughs with it, so I’m looking forward to seeing people’s reaction to the finished product.  Part of me would much rather be working on game assets rather than publicity materials, which take a fair amount of time, but I think the idea of the trailer concept captures the spirit of the game pretty neatly, and I’m hoping it will really help sell people on the idea of the game.

There’s still a little more to go on the trailer to have it wrapped up.  After that, it’s on to the Chile level, where Chris will do battle Contra-style with an army of heavily-armed penguins, and their leader, UFO-riding scientist El Doctor Pingüino.  The background and penguin designs are already in good shape – so once we get cracking we should make some fairly quick progress.

And then we’ll have 6/9 levels in the can…

Author Chris
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