Hey world travelers!


Wellllll we’re a tad behind schedule.  We’ve had some technical difficulties here and there, but we’re still making progress. 

This is an important thing we want you to know, so you don’t think we’ve died or something.

Story Mode Status

Story Mode of Adventures of Chris is basically complete at this point, except for some finalized animations and endgame content. 


Content by the way, that is wayyyyy too secret to tell you about now, but may or may not contain a secret boss character of some kind (hint: it does) and possibly gambling too. 


The final boss fight is implemented, the final story sequences are implemented, and even the part where the game says “The End” and kicks you back out to the title screen is implemented.  


So there’s that.


I really wanted to have the full content of the basic Story Mode of the game ready to go when we launch beta testing, which is still a thing I intend to do.  So get ready! It’s coming soon!

So much excitement

I’m really excited about a lot of the stuff we’ve been working on – big bad boss fights, story content, and so forth. So much so, that we’re submitting Adventures of Chris to a number of indie game showcases. We’ll see how that goes as far as scheduling and such and will keep you posted on those events!


While somewhat relating to the development of the game, we also wrote an article on the glories of Metroid’s “Screw Attack” and how tough it is to recreate that wondrous feeling in Adventures of Chris. Be sure to check it out to see how we’re trying to get that Metroid Screw Attack feeling.  

I think that’s about all I’ve got.  So you can all stop worrying if Kyle and I fell down in the shower or drove into a ditch or something, because neither of those things happened.  The game is still chugging along.


For those of you still wanting more, the answer to your fulfillment is simple. 


Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or even YouTube, where we’re now posting longer gameplay videos.


Thanks for following our work!  You people are the best. 🙂

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